Rabbit Class

Class teacher’s welcome

Coming Soon: Y3/4 Christmas Carol Service – Tuesday 17th December (6-7pm) 

Welcome to Rabbit class!

In Year 4, the children will continue to build on their journey through Key Stage 2. Throughout the year, we will help the children to grow and develop socially and academically, build their independence and continue to foster their love of learning. 

Mrs Horsman

Logo - rabbit

Curriculum news

At a glance – Autumn 2

  • Maths: Area, Multiplication and Division (A)
  • English: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (Fiction), Mill Brochure (Brochure).
  • Science: Sound
  • Geography: How is the land in Yorkshire used?
  • RE: What faiths and beliefs can be found in our country?
  • Computing: Audio Production
  • PSHE: Valuing differences
  • Music: Recorders (Music and Arts): taught throughout the year by the Music and Arts Service.
  • Art: Drawing: Rocks and Landscapes


Home Learning 

All children are encouraged to complete a home learning project to build on their class History and/or Science learning.

Ideas include…

  • Create a brochure on famous landmarks in different counties in Yorkshire.
  • Research famous artists in Yorkshire and re-create a piece of art work in their style.

These projects are designed to run alongside the learning for a half-term and should be handed in on or before Friday 20th December. We look forward to inviting you into school at the end of the term to share the children’s projects.



At All Saints’ Primary School, we follow the Read, Write Inc. spelling scheme in Key Stage 2. In Autumn, Term 1 we will be re-capping units from the Year 3 spellings. From Autumn, Term 2, we will be starting the Year 4 units.

Week Focus Example Words
2nd September Adding the suffix -ian musician, politician, mathematician, optician
9th September Adding the prefix re- rearrange, reappear, reheating, recycle, redo
16th September Adding the prefix anti- antifreeze, antisocial, antiseptic, anticlockwise
23rd September Adding the prefix super- superhero, superstar, supermarket, superwoman
30th September Adding the prefix sub- subway, subsoil, subtitle, submarine, subheading
7th October Adding the prefix mis-

Revising un-, in-, dis-

misbehave, misprint, misunderstand

inhuman, disagree, unfair

14th October Words ending in zhuh spelt -sure treasure, adventure, puncture, capture, enclosure
21st October Adding the prefix auto- autograph, autopilot, automatic, autobiography
4th November Adding the suffix -ly breezily, sleepily, cheekily, merrily, angrily
11th November Adding the prefix inter- internet, intergalactic, interlock, intercity, intermediate
18th November Word with the ay sound spelt eigh, ei, ey grey, prey, neigh, sleigh, eighteen, obey, neighbour
25th November Words enging in -ous serious, tremendous, obvious, jealous, enormous
2nd December Words with the s sound spelt sc scissors, ascend, descend, scent, fascinate, muscle
9th December Words ending in zhun spelt -sion confusion, division, explosion, decision, revision
16th December The short u sound spelt ou


Possessive apostrophes

Trouble, enough, country, youngest

Berry/bury, main/mane, reign/rain/rein, groan/grown

children’s, boy’s,


Dates for the diary

PE days: Mondays (Mrs Horsman), Wednesdays (Mr Megson)

Autumn 2: Y3/4 Christmas Carol Service – Tuesday 17th December (6-7pm)

Spring 1: 30th January 2025 – Visit to Leeds Museum (Ancient Egyptians)

Links to support learning