Otter Class

Class teacher’s welcome

Welcome to the ‘Otterly’ Outstanding Yr5 Otter class!

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Curriculum news

At a glance – Spring 2

  • Maths – Decimals and Percentages, Area and Perimeter, Statistics
  • English – Writing inspired by Wonder Struck (Brian Selznick)
  • Science – Forces
  • RE – What difference does the resurrection make for Christians?
  • Geography – Trade Links and Fairtrade
  • PSHE – Rights and Respect
  • DT – Structures (Bridges)
  • Music – Tuned percussion (continued)
  • French – Where I live, Telling the time
  • Computing – Selection in physical computing

Home Learning

All children are encouraged to complete a home learning project to build on their class learning.

Ideas for this half term….

  • Geography – Undertake a food survey! Head down to the supermarket and find where products have originated from. Can you find a creative way to present your findings?
  • Geography – Track and map a global supply chain. Can you map out the journey of a product that you have in your house? What was used to make the product? Where might it have come from? Think back to the cotton example we saw in class.
  • Science – Conduct your own ‘forces’ experiment! Record your findings and present them creatively – try to include photos, or even film what happens!
  • Science – Write a biography of the life of Sir Isaac Newton.
  • English/Art – Create a painting or detailed drawing inspired by the book ‘Wonderstruck‘.

These projects are designed to run alongside the learning for the half-term and should be handed in on or before Monday 31st March 2025.


At All Saints’ Primary School, we follow the Read, Write Inc. spelling scheme in Key Stage 2. Please find the plan for the teaching of the remaining Year 5 units below; plus a link to a record of those taught already this year. You may find it helpful to practise words from the focus pattern each week.

Week Focus Example Words
17th March Y5 Unit 9 – Words ending in -ant, -ance and -ancy distant, distance, assistant, assistance, tolerant, tolerance, vacancy, hesitancy
24th January Orange Words (Y5/6 National Curriculum Word List) immediately, suggest, marvellous, necessary, programme, recommend
31st March Y5 Unit 10 – Words ending in shus spelt -cious spacious, vicious, precious, suspicious, conscious, delicious
Easter Holidays
21st April Orange Words (Y5/6 National Curriculum Word List) convenience, muscle, disastrous, neighbour, interfere
28th April Y5 Unit 11 – Words ending in shus spelt -tious cautious, infectious, scrumptious, ambitious, nutritious, superstitious
5th May Orange Words (Y5/6 National Curriculum Word List) average, desperate, temperature, vegetable, frequently, equipment
12th May Y5 Unit 12 – Words ending in shul spelt -cial or -tial official, special, social, artificial, financial, essential, partial, confidential, initial
19th May Orange Words (Y5/6 National Curriculum Word List) bruise, nuisance, recognise, criticise
2nd June onwards Recap and Consolidation All units from Year 5

Archive: Previous Year 5 patterns and example words

In addition, children in Y5 and Y6 are beginning to learn a specific word list (as set out in the National Curriculum, English Appendix 1) that can be found in the centre of the school reading record or accessed here.

Dates for the diary

PE days – Monday (Miss Hetherton), Thursday (Mr Megson)

Spring 2

Home Learning Showcase – Tuesday 1st April 15:30 – 16:00

Summer 1

Yorkshire Sculpture Park Visit – Wednesday 23rd April (provisional)

British Sign Language Workshop – Monday 12th May

Summer 2

Y5/6 Sports Day – 17th June (pm)

Links to support learning


Please encourage your child to read daily for a minimum of 20 minutes. At least 3 reading sessions per week should be recorded in the school Reading Record. Children should all have a school reading book (that can be changed regularly) but should be encouraged to read other material as well.

Read more about English in Y5 in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study


Times Table Rock Stars (please ask if you need a reminder of your child’s login details) – all children are expected to be fluent in their tables up to 12 x 12 so regular practice is very helpful!

Written methods for addition, subtraction, short multiplication, long multiplication and short division are taught as in the pictures below.

Read more about maths in Y5 in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study

Other useful links

Wildlife Trust – facts about the European Otter!