Otter Class

Class teacher’s welcome

Welcome to the ‘Otterly’ Outstanding Yr5 Otter class!

Logo - otter
Yr5 Otters Woolton Pie (2)
Yr5 Otters Woolton Pie (3)
Peeling onions makes everyone cry
Yr5 Otters Woolton Pie (4)
Yr5 Otters Woolton Pie (5)
Yr5 Otters Woolton Pie (6)
Yr5 Otters Woolton Pie (7)
Yr5 Otters Woolton Pie (8)
Yr5 Otters Woolton Pie (9)
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Curriculum news

At a glance – Spring 1

Maths – Multiplication, Division, Fractions and Decimals and Percentages
English – The Arrival by Shaun Tan, For The One
Science – Earth and Space
RE – Should we forgive others?
History– Anglo-Saxons
PSHE – Keeping Myself Safe
Art – Printing and Collage
Music – Tuned percussion
French – Districts in Paris, ordinal numbers and time phrases
Computing – Programming

Home Learning Project

All children are encouraged to complete a home learning project to build on their class learning.

Ideas this half term….

Choose between ‘Earth and Space’ or ‘Anglo-Saxons’
Research and produce a ‘fact file’
Write a poem
Create a 3D model

Key: Find what interests you and be creative!

These projects are designed to run alongside the learning for the half-term and should be handed in on or before Monday 10th February.

Dates for the diary

Danelaw – Monday 3rd February

Class Collective Worship – Tuesday 11th March

Links to support learning