Otter Class
Class teacher’s welcome
Welcome to the ‘Otterly’ Outstanding Yr5 Otter class!
Curriculum news
At a glance – Spring 1
Maths – Multiplication, Division, Fractions and Decimals and Percentages
English – The Arrival by Shaun Tan, For The One
Science – Earth and Space
RE – Should we forgive others?
History– Anglo-Saxons
PSHE – Keeping Myself Safe
Art – Printing and Collage
Music – Tuned percussion
French – Districts in Paris, ordinal numbers and time phrases
Computing – Programming
Home Learning Project
All children are encouraged to complete a home learning project to build on their class learning.
Ideas this half term….
Choose between ‘Earth and Space’ or ‘Anglo-Saxons’
Research and produce a ‘fact file’
Write a poem
Create a 3D model
Key: Find what interests you and be creative!
These projects are designed to run alongside the learning for the half-term and should be handed in on or before Monday 10th February.
Dates for the diary
Danelaw – Monday 3rd February
Class Collective Worship – Tuesday 11th March