Dragonfly Class
Class teacher’s welcome
Welcome to Dragonfly class! I am very excited to share your children’s learning with you throughout the school year. Dragonfly class is a nurturing environment that provides opportunities to develop communication and social skills and to foster enthusiasm and a love of learning.
Curriculum news
At a glance- Spring 2
- Maths: Year 1– place value within 50,Multiplication and division Year 2– multiplication and division
- English: The Day the Crayons Quit, ‘Our Local Area’ report writing, Spring poetry
- Science: Animals- life cycles
- History: History detectives- Our School
- Art: Kandinsky artist focus
- Computing: Pictograms
- PSHE: Growing and changing
- PE: Spiral PE
- RE: Why is Easter important to Christians?
- Music: Zootime
Dates for the diary
PE days: Tuesday and Friday
History Detective walk around Ilkley– Date tbc
World Book Day: Friday 7th March
Comic Relief: Friday 21st March
Home learning opportunities
Talk to parents/Grandparents about what school was like for them. Bring in photographs to share with the class if you have them.
Links to support learning
These links are here to support you with your child’s learning at home.
Please see below link for Year 1 and Year 2 spellings for spring 1
Please see below link for Year 1 and Year 2 spellings for spring
One minute maths app