Dragonfly Class
Class teacher’s welcome
Welcome to Dragonfly class! I am very excited to share your children’s learning with you throughout the school year. Dragonfly class is a nurturing environment that provides opportunities to develop communication and social skills and to foster enthusiasm and a love of learning.
Curriculum news
At a glance Autumn 2
- Maths: Addition, Subtraction and Money
- English: Molly McDrew and the Great fire of London Bakers Boy and Great Fire of London, Bonfire Poetry
- Science: Animals including humans , Growth – Children will describe the needs of animals for survival.
- History: Events beyond Living Memory , The Great Fire of London , Significant People: Samuel Pepys
- RE: How and why do some people pray?
- ART: Collage- fire, Painting – fire of London – silhouette , Pastels – Bonfire and firework pictures
- Computing: Creating Media – Digital Photography
- PSHE: Valuing differences: British values focus
- Music: Singing Technique
Dates for the diary
PE days: Tuesday and Friday
DT curriculum morning- Tuesday 26th November. See letter on Arbor.
Wednesday 18th December – Y1&2 Christmas Carol Service
Home learning opportunities
In science, we are learning about animals including humans and what is needed to keep us alive. This includes how to keep healthy through exercise and a balanced diet. At home, have a go at trying some new foods and making some healthy meals. Take photographs and send them to the school office! Additionally, if you do any sports at the weekend, take some photos for us to share in the classroom.
Links to support learning
These links are here to support you with your child’s learning at home.
Please see below link for Year 1 and Year 2 spellings for Autumn 2
One minute maths app