Butterfly Class

Class teacher’s welcome

Welcome to Butterfly Class Page!

I am so excited to share with you all the wonderful work and exciting things we get up to in Butterfly Class. It is going to be a fantastic year with lots of engaging opportunities for new learning. We are a loving and nurturing class and this year we will support the children to flourish and develop both socially and academically throughout their school journey.

I look forward to showing you all the wonderful things we get up over the coming weeks.

Mrs Margerrison x

Logo - butterfly

Flipping fun on Pancake Day! We had great fun having flipping competitions and pancake races to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.

Forest School Fun! We chopped apples and covered them in cinnamon and sugar to toast on the fire! Some children also learnt to whittle a stick. There was lots of muddy fun and den making throughout the afternoon!

Thursday 13th February- Habitat creating linked to our science learning this half term!

Curriculum news

At a glance- Spring 2 

  • Maths: Year 1– place value within 50, multiplication and division  Year 2– multiplication and division
  • English: The Day the Crayons Quit, ‘Our Local Area’ report writing, Spring poetry
  • Science: Animals- life cycles
  • History: History detectives- Our School
  • Art: Kadinsky artist focus
  • Computing: Pictograms
  • PSHE: Growing and changing
  • PE: Spiral PE
  • RE: Why is Easter important to Christians?


Dates for the diary

PE days: Tuesday and Friday

Butterfly forest school: Wednesday PM- Week 1, 2 & 3

History Detective walk around Ilkley– Date tbc

World Book Day: Friday 7th March

Comic Relief: Friday 21st March


Home learning opportunities

Talk to parents/Grandparents about what school was like for them. Bring in photographs to share with the class if you have them.


Links to support learning

These links are here to support you with your child’s learning at home.

Little Wandle phonics scheme from Reception-Year 2 

Year 1 Phonics Overview

One minute maths app


Please see below link for Year 1 and Year 2 spellings for Spring 1 

Spellings spring 1

Please see below link for Year 1 and Year 2 spellings for Spring 2

Spring 2 spellings