About mixed age classes

Thank you for your emails regarding the Year 1 and 2 mixed age classes for next year and your patience while school leaders have had chance to read these. We and grouped the questions into those most frequently asked. Below we have provided further information to those questions and additional information that was not pertinent for the whole school general letter. We appreciate some parents have specific questions relating to their child that we will respond to individually. We will be holding information evenings with class teachers early in September so that we can showcase more about how the mixed age classes work and the exciting plans that we have put in place. Further details will be sent before the end of the school year, and we hope you will be able to join us at one of the events. We will continue to add to this page.

  • What experience do teachers have in mixed age classes?

    All Saints’ has, until recently, had mixed age classes so teachers have experience of planning and teaching a curriculum that meets the needs of learners across two year groups. This academic year is the first year that there have been no mixed age classes. We also collaborate with local schools who teach children in mixed year groups. Our leadership team have been working with these schools to ensure that our teachers are prepared and supported. Both Mrs Dunn and Mr Gawthorpe have experience of teaching in and leading schools with mixed age classes. Mr Gawthorpe has been leading on the development of the Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) curriculum and will keep you updated regularly.

  • How school day will be managed?

    All children will receive direct teaching from the class teacher in lessons and be provided with opportunities to practise the disciplinary skills at their level of learning as is the case currently. There will also be opportunities for children’s learning to be developed through extension and challenge activities across the curriculum. Opportunities for ‘provision’, which is child led learning, will continue to be provided across the class.

  • How will classes be managed to avoid Year 2s thinking they are still in Year 1?

    Class names will be changing next year to avoid the loss of identity for year groups. Our Key Stage 1 classes will be called Butterfly Class, Bumblebee Class and Dragonfly Class. Within each class children will be set clear expectations for the year group they are in and will still continue to develop their own identity with separate performances, roles and responsibilities and specific learning opportunities. One of the advantages of mixed age classes is the opportunity for the older children to role to model younger children both educationally and socially which will contribute to their personal development.

  • How is it decided which class my child will be in?

    Staff who know the children have considered their in-school relationships, levels and style of learning as well as their pastoral needs when allocating classes for year. This will be communicated following transition morning on Thursday 11th July by email including transition information booklets and letters from their teacher.

  • Long term strategy – will this cohort be a Year 2 and 3 mix?

    These are longer term decisions that school leaders and governors are considering and continue to be influenced by pupil numbers and funding allocations from the Government.

  • My child is one of the youngest in the class or I have concerns about them having specific needs, how will they be supported?

    All children’s social and educational needs are planned for as teachers know the children in their class and are experienced in meeting the wide range of needs in their class. Being the youngest is not necessarily a factor in a child’s progress. All children will be carefully monitored and regular feedback to parents will be shared by class teachers. Your child’s teacher from this year has met with their new teacher and passed on information about them in preparation for a successful transition. If, after the start of the year, you still have specific concerns please make an appointment to speak to their new teacher who will be happy to meet with you and discuss them with you in the first instance. In the first couple of weeks the class teams will be getting to know your child and will be available at the end of each day to answer any questions you may have.

  • How has the curriculum been planned to ensure children are not repeating learning?

    As we do every year, for all year groups, our curriculum has been reviewed to ensure the requirements of the National Curriculum are met and that children’s interests are considered. This year is no different and we are designing an updated curriculum that will excite and engage the children. Teachers have been given time to review the current All Saints’ curriculum. The National Curriculum is structured in Key Stages with the objectives set designed to be taught over two years, this ensures that children will not be repeating learning that has already taken place.

  • How will phonics and maths be taught to ensure children receive the best teaching in these core skills?

    Children will be taught separately for phonics in Year 1 with any Year 2 child requiring additional support with their phonics joining the lessons to consolidate learning and address any gaps in their phonetic knowledge. Year 2 will be taught the Little Wandle spelling programme which builds on the Little Wandle phonics from Year 1. White Rose Maths, which children throughout the school follow, provides a structured plan for the teaching of Maths in mixed year classes which our teachers will adapt for the specifics of the children in their class. Key Stage 1 is about the securing of basic number facts and operations with lots of opportunities for reinforcement activities and increasing the size of numbers that children are expected to be able to calculate with. Discrete teaching of the fundamentals of Maths will take place during lessons with activities provided for children to practise independently or with small group support.

  • How will school communicate what my child will be learning?

    From September, Class pages on the school website will share more information about your child’s learning. Year 4 have been developing the use of their class pages and you can log on here to see more about your child’s learning. We will continue to provide information on the Knowledge Organisers. We will also be holding information sessions for parents and carers with class teachers early in September. These sessions will provide you with information about the curriculum and how the classes will be structured.