
It is important that you inform the school office if your child has any serious medical conditions or allergies, giving as much information as possible. Please keep us updated on changes so that we can keep our records up to date.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding medical conditions, allergies, inhalers, epipens or medicine administration please speak to the school office.

Administering ‘Short Course’ Medication

If at all possible, we ask that parents /carers come to school to administer medication. In certain circumstances, and normally where the required dosage is four times a day, it is possible for school staff to administer medication. We can only administer prescribed/non prescribed medicines that are in-date, labelled, provided in the original container and include instructions for administration, dosage and storage. 

In order for school to administer medicine parents/carers must fill in the following form, giving consent and specifying the dosage and frequency required. Medication may be stored in the fridge or a lockable cupboard in the medical room, as appropriate.

The school is unable to take responsibility for any medicines left on the premises.

All medicines must be brought to the school office by an adult. Medicines must NEVER be brought to school in a child’s possession. This includes cough medicines/sore throat sweets.

Inhalers and auto-injectors (epipens)

If your child has, or develops, asthma or any complaint that requires an inhaler please complete the form below, giving as much detail as possible.

Inhalers are stored in each child’s classroom in clearly marked bags so that the children and adults know where to come if they are needed. They should be delivered to school clearly marked with the child’s name and instructions relating to use and dosage.

Where a child requires an auto-injector (Epipen), a Care Plan will be in place and a copy of this should be given to school along with 2 auto-injectors (Epipens). Auto-injectors (Epipens) are stored in the medical room in clearly marked boxes with the child’s name and photograph along with a copy of the Care Plan and any other information required for that specific child. Auto-injectors (Epipens) are stored in this central point so that all staff know where to come and quickly access them in the event of an emergency. For some children it might be appropriate for additional Epipens to be held in their classroom.

It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that inhalers and Epipens are in date and working correctly. Parents are welcome to come in and check them at any time.

Children who have an auto-injector (Epipen) / inhaler must have them in school at all times and it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that this is the case. They must be taken on school trips, no matter how short the trip is.

All Saints’ C of E Primary also has spare inhalers and auto-injectors (Epipens) which can be administered should a child’s medication not work, is out of date, or is empty.