
At All Saints’ we believe that wearing a school uniform sets a clear expectation that everyone is equal, and it also prepares children for secondary school and later life when many professions have a uniform or dress code that must be followed.

Our Uniform

Red sweatshirt or cardigan

White polo shirt or cotton shirt

Dark grey/black trousers or dark grey/black shorts

Dark grey/Black skirt or dark grey/black pinafore 

Plain black shoes

In addition pupils may choose to wear:

Red gingham dresses, in warmer weather

Leggings are not a suitable alternative to trousers.

For PE all children need:

White polo or t-shirt

Black PE shorts

A pair of plain, dark trainers or plimsolls

A plain dark coloured tracksuit (without fashion logos) for outdoor use

Where you can get your child’s uniform

Our uniform suppliers are:

Wharfedale Uniforms, 1 Cowpasture Road, Ilkley, LS29 8SR. 07866 762291

Your School Uniform online

Children are not required to wear any item of school uniform which bears the school logo.

Making uniform affordable

We aim to keep the cost of our school uniform as low as possible and work with our chosen suppliers to ensure the best possible value.

We also have some pre-loved uniform available for a small donation. To request specific items of uniform, please click here.

If you have uniform your child no longer needs we are happy to receive it in good condition, we ask that you kindly wash it before donating so that others may benefit from it straight away.