Ingleborough Hall Residential Day 3

Day 3 is over with the children still having an incredible time. It was a later start this morning as they decided to continue their impressive sleeping regime. Some children even had to be woken by the bell.

Breakfast this moring was a great start to the day then it was off to activities including abseiling, archery, caving and problem solving. Freetime today was taken up either playing football or trying to solve the ‘mystery of the missing sweets’! Unbelievably some children still have sweets left.

This evening we have had a campfire with songs, toasted marshmallows and midges!

What the children have to say:

Annabel: ‘That one is really fresh, it’s just getting a skin on it.’ as she gently prodded a cowpat with her foot!

‘Is that Mrs Dennison on your socks, oh no, it’s David Attenborough!’ as someone looked at Katie’s socks.

‘I’ll cover the class so you can have a day off Miss Jeffery!’ as Charlie tried to recover from supporting Mr Gawthorpe rather than his teacher at archery.

Which led Miss Jeffery to say:

‘I’ll leave you to discuss that one with Mr Gawthorpe Charlie but I agree!’

Photos to follow shortly.