Ingleborough Hall Residential day 2

Another awesome day at Ingleborough Hall. The children have been great again. After a hearty breakfast it was off to activities including archery, abseiling, gorge scramble, problem solving and the Norber Phototrail (a very long walk – actually about 5 miles but apparently not if you are 11 years old!). Lunch and further activities in the afternoon. Free time has included playing games (Exploding Kittens has proved popular) as well as exploring the grounds and hanging around in the ‘still quite tidy’ dorms.

Dinner was either pasta bolognaise or Macaroni cheese with garlic bread with raspberry shortbread and custard for desert – yummy.

This evening was dancing which the children (and staff) really threw themselves into.

It’s time for light’s out soon and looking at the tired eyes at story time we are hoping they all fall asleep (and stay asleep) for at least 8 hours.

Some of the quotes from today include:

What the children have to say:

‘Go, go, go. you’re doing well sweetie!’

‘Ha ha, look, Miss Jeffery has slipped in the cow pat!’ (and she had).

‘When gorge scrambling, bug spray is your lifeline.’

What the staff team have to say:

‘There’s no left feet in our dance troop!’, Mrs Dennison